These women have managed to survive what seemed to be unsurpassable setbacks. But survival is just the beginning.
It is the desire of Juanita’s Heart to equip women to thrive. The Empowered Women Thrive Series is a 4-part empowerment series offering women a structured environment in which they receive skills needed to confidently enter into the marketplace despite their past experiences. With an emphasis on building:
1. Healthy self-perception,
2. Computer/data-processing skills,
3. Personal Branding
4. Public Image
The Empowered Women Thrive Series lays a solid foundation for which can women can rely on to shape their future despite their past.
The Empowered Women Thrive Series courses include:
1. Discovering The Real You: Seeing Yourself for Who You Are NOT What You’ve Been Through This intimate journey of self-discovery helps women become aware of who they are, embrace what they are worth, and how learn ways to cling to these truths regardless of the situations they find themselves encountering in life.
2. Help! I Need an Upgrade: How to Compete in a Point and Click Digital Workplace
Participants will be introduced to an office environment, office equipment, and data processing applications.
3. Stand Out! 7 Secrets to Getting Recognized on Paper, in Person and on Social Media Platforms
They will be instructed on creating effective resumes and career search techniques including social media and networking. Participants will also participate in interactive interview role play.
4. Signature Style: How to Find and Flaunt Your Signature Style (Suitable for the Workplace)
After successful completion of the career skills and interview training modules, participants are given a career makeover. The makeover consist of interview and career dress and makeup etiquette, then participants are given interview attire.